subject:"Education Teaching" from
There is a clear gap between what research has shown to work in teaching math and what happens in schools and at home. This book bridges that gap by turning research findings into practical activities and advice.
subject:"Education Teaching" from
Thousands of parents and teachers have already used the detailed book lists and methods described in The Well-Trained Mind to create a truly superior education for the children in their care.
subject:"Education Teaching" from
Sparking a long-overdue debate about the future of American education, "The Marketplace of Ideas" examines traditional university institutions, assessing what is worth saving and what is not
subject:"Education Teaching" from
This guide Provides the what, why, and how of each practice and answers teachers’ most frequently asked questions Includes firsthand accounts of how these practices foster thinking through teacher and student interviews and student work ...
subject:"Education Teaching" from
Aronson, a social psychologist, offers concise, practical, and easy-to-apply strategies for creating a more supportive, stimulating, and compassionate environment in our schools.
subject:"Education Teaching" from
Digital technology lies at the heart of contemporary education provision. This book considers the key issues in the field and addresses some fundamental but often unvoiced questions about the ever-growing use of technologies in education.
subject:"Education Teaching" from
The book vividly and comprehensively shows * How creative lessons can meet and extend the expectations of curriculum standards such as the Common Core State Standards, * How to incorporate creativity and assessment into daily classroom ...
subject:"Education Teaching" from
The Handbook of Scholarly Writing and Publishing is a groundbreaking resource that offers emerging and experienced scholars from all disciplines a comprehensive review of the essential elements needed to craft scholarly papers and other ...
subject:"Education Teaching" from
To make Medea more accessible for the modern reader, our Prestwick House Literary Touchstone Edition includes a glossary of the more difficult words, as well as convenient sidebar notes to enlighten the reader on aspects that may be ...
subject:"Education Teaching" from
Bring the Classics To Life. These novels have been adapted into 10 short chapters that will excite the reluctant reader as well as the enthusiastic one. Key words are defined and used in context.